FoodCycle builds communities by combining surplus food, volunteers
and spare kitchen spaces to create nutritious three-course meals for people
at risk of food poverty and loneliness. We run 24 projects across the county.
We believe that eating with other people is so important – its what unites us
and is one of life’s greatest pleasures. For many of our guests, a weekly
FoodCycle meal is one of the few opportunities they have to sit down and
share a meal with someone else.
We address food poverty by serving a hot, nutritious meals to those that
would otherwise struggle to access healthy affordable food. We also work to
reduce social isolation by creating chance for those affected by loneliness
to mix with others and feel valued as part of their community.
Our volunteers work with local retailers to use surplus food that would
otherwise go to waste. In partnership with charities and community groups
these ingredients are cooked into delicious meals and served to guests. Its
always been incredibly important that we’re serving good food, cooked from
scratch, often including five portions of fruit and vegetables.
In this placement, Associates will focus on the development and
implementation of the process management toolbox for Managing Hubs and
Franchises, together with improving our online and offline training