First Name
Last Name
Email address
Phone number (Mobile number preferred)
Occupation (Please tell us your current job role)
LinkedIn URL (If you have a linkedin profile, please enter it here. if not, or if you would like us to have further info, please also email your CV to [email protected])
OK with volunteer commitment Our mentors volunteer their time for free and meet with an Associate fortnightly over the course of the year, usually in or around central London. Would you be happy with this commitment?
Have you mentored before? If so, could you tell us a bit more about where you mentored and what your mentoring involved?
Please tell us a bit about your motivations to mentor an On Purpose Associate. What makes you interested in the programme? What would you bring to the role?
Background and specialism(s). Our Associates complete a wide range of placements. We do try to match mentors with Associates working in organisations aligned to the mentor’s background and expertise. (Could you tell us a bit about your background and specialism(s)? Please outline as many areas as you wish to)
How did you hear about us?
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