
George Brown

George joins On Purpose with aspirations to explore and facilitate the path to a more regenerative and just economy. George began his career in reinsurance broking, gaining exposure to the challenges of the energy industry. He has since directed social impact strategy at a Web3 start-up, focusing on community-led climate solutions and the potential role of blockchain in the energy transition, before most recently working with advisors in the emerging nature-based solutions market. Managing digital content as part of these roles, George is enthusiastic about the creative communication of ideas that can promote agency and inspire action. He is looking forward to learning more about the interconnected systemic solutions that can face up to the mounting challenges confronting society.

George holds a degree in Chinese Studies from Durham University, with a year spent in Beijing. He enjoys exploring, staying active, connecting with nature and challenging friends to spot him on Netflix following a brief interim as a film extra.

On Purpose Placements