Mission Studio | Nesta

We design, test and scale new solutions to society’s biggest problems, changing millions of lives for the better. Nesta has three ambitious 10-year missions, aiming to close the outcome gap at age 5 between disadvantaged children and their peers (‘A Fairer Start’), halve obesity (‘A Healthy Life’), and reduce home carbon emissions by a third (‘A Sustainable Future’). To further these missions, Nesta works with partners across multiple sectors, as an innovation partner (collaborating with front-line organisations to design, test and scale new solutions), a system shaper (influencing wider environments, including the policy landscape) and a venture builder (creating and investing in early-stage ventures).

Nesta’s venture studio, ‘Mission Studio’, is at the heart of Nesta’s work as a venture builder, where – in collaboration with colleagues across the organisation - we build new mission-driven, for-profit startups that aspire to improve the lives of millions of people across the UK.