Todd Eden
Todd is one of the country's leading experts in Generation-Y leadership development. A corporate high flyer at two major British companies, he has a proven ability at building and leading teams across Procurement, Supply Chain, Marketing, and Innovation.
He is co-founder of Leadnow! ( a social enterprise which makes world class leadership development programmes available to young adults from all walks of life. And co-founder of, providing online leadership development programmes for companies and individuals. He also runs Bluestag - a coaching and consulting business focused on the development of emerging leaders.
An amateur write, his second book 'Prevolution', makes a case for a rethink of leadership development for Gen-Y. His first book ‘12 countries, 1 camper’ charts the highs and lows of a family adventure across Europe in their classic VW campervan.
Driven by a desire to ‘make his daughters world a better one’, his work revolves around a vision of a world run by conscious leaders – in beautiful harmony with the ecosystem, and one another.