Fellow Spotlight: Graeme English

We’re always thrilled to hear about how our community is creating impact and bringing about positive change. This week we shine a light on Graeme English, April 2018 Fellow, who is now working with ReLondon helping to bring about a circular economy.
After finishing the Associate Programme in April 2019, I returned to my first placement, the School for Social Entrepreneurs, for a great couple of years as Strategic Project Manager.
I then joined ReLondon in 2021, keen to focus my work on the concept of circular economy, using my background in design and engineering in combination with a passion for social enterprise cultivated through On Purpose. Our mission is to make London a global leader in sustainable ways to live, work and prosper by 'revolutionising our relationship with stuff'. As 45% of global emissions come from the food, materials and products we use and consume every day, transforming our economy is vital to tackle the climate crisis.
As part of the Business Transformation team I get to work with exciting businesses that are creating new ways to reuse, repair and recycle more. It's inspiring to work on a range of projects that focus on creating the conditions for systems change amongst the city's diverse and innovative business community. If you'd like to chat about these topics - get in touch!