The magic of Parkrun - why it’s not just for January

Whatever people think about New Year Resolutions, the pubs are quieter in January and the gyms are busier. Meanwhile on Saturday mornings, all around the country, the phenomenon of Parkrun sees an uptick in attendance as people look to get into running for the first time or get back into it after a hiatus. I for one will be welcoming the newcomers with open arms and am hoping they stick around for the long haul.
What is Parkrun?
Parkrun is a free, volunteer-run community 5k run/jog/walk event, every Saturday morning in local parks around the world. As a charity, its mission is to make the world a happier and healthier place.
Having enjoyed its 20th birthday last year, Parkrun has grown from a casual 13 runner and 5 volunteer event in Bushy Park, London, into a global organisation with over 2,300 events, 300k+ finishers and 40k+ volunteers EVERY WEEK.
The international family of registered ‘parkrunners’ is over 9 million from 20+ countries, so the question is: if you aren’t already signed up, when are you going to join the parkrun community?

Why is Parkrun so successful? A short story
Having done my first Parkrun in 2010, when my Dad brought me along to this new community 5k, I have since been involved in over 150 events in 33 different locations. I have become an enthusiast, however when I tell most people that Parkrun starts at 9am on a Saturday, I tend to get a few less enthusiastic reactions. I then spend 15 minutes explaining how great they will feel after, that they will have the rest of the weekend ahead of them having achieved something so early and how they would have joined a community and chatted with new and old friends. If they are still not convinced, I tempt them with coffee and pastries afterwards, and with a bit of arm twisting and friendly peer pressure. This normally does the trick.
Saturday comes around and at 8:50am I see their faces looking at me with the, I should be in bed and I hate you eyes, but I’m used to that. Then the magic happens. Runners/walkers/joggers of all ages and backgrounds swarm the start line and everyone is smiling, dogs are barking excitedly and you celebrate the first-timers and volunteers with an overly enthusiastic round of applause. Then, before you know it, hundreds of you are moving together around the local park with a range of jogging and walking styles. As you make your way around the course, you hear the occasional “thank you Marshall” and chatter from friends about their weeks and you start to enjoy yourself. You get into your own rhythm and by the time you get to the finish, whether that is 20, 30, 40 or 50 minutes later, you wish you had done this sooner! You scan your barcode to ensure your run is logged - because now you know you will be back for more. The coffee and pastries chat is dominated by how good everyone feels and where we will be doing Parkrun next Saturday. My job is now done.

A way to tackle social issues and build community
The benefits of physical activity and in particular running are well known and documented, so I am not going to go into them here, but Parkrun is about more than just getting people active. Community is a huge aspect of the charity, highlighted by the fact that each event is fully organised by volunteers. Parkrun tries to encourage you to volunteer once for every 10 runs you do, with the hope of getting the community closer together. Having volunteered numerous times before, I can assure you that you’ll get just as much satisfaction being a marshall cheering on the course or a barcode scanner congratulating everyone, as you do jogging the 5km.
The success of this weekly community event has even led to GPs prescribing Parkrun to patients, who are struggling with their health and wellbeing, having been supported by the Royal College of General Practitioners. This initiative, linking GP practises with their local parkruns, has gone on to win awards at the General Practice Awards. The social impact of a weekly community event that brings everyone together is hard to measure, but it has undoubtedly brought huge benefits to so many people who struggle with their mental health and in particular loneliness. Have a read of Margaret’s story who became the oldest woman in Parkrun history to have completed 250 events, to have a flavour of the difference it can make.

The movement keeps on growing. In 2010 there was the first ever Junior parkrun, for 4-14yr olds to complete a 2km course. There are now close to 400 UK Junior Parkrun events every Sunday, making it one of the largest health and wellbeing projects for children. In a time where phones and tvs are occupying our children, the ability to get them to enjoy the outdoors in any way is something to cherish.
If this wasn’t enough, there are now over 20+ Parkruns situated inside UK prisons. In 2017, HMP Haverigg in Cumbria was the first jail globally to hold the event. It was organised by 6 prison volunteers and had 20 prisoners participating. Haverigg’s status as a category C prison, which typically receives prisoners who are 1-3yrs away from release, means rehabilitation is high on the priority list and Parkrun clearly has numerous benefits in this realm.
Parkrun is here is to stay
Parkrun is certainly going to be around for the long haul and so I hope I have enticed you to get involved. It is super easy to sign up to get your barcode and there will almost certainly be a Parkrun near to you!
I joke that I think Parkrun is the best thing to come of the 21st century but it’s certainly had a big impact on my life and for me, it certainly isn’t just for January. I’ll be at a Parkrun all year round, whether running for a personal best, joining friends for their first time or volunteering.
London based? Join us at Parkrun over Pubs
Given my enthusiasm it is perhaps unsurprising I have gathered a group of London based friends who attend Parkrun every week. We are always encouraging new people to join us and so if you are tentative about trying Parkrun and would like some company then please get in touch! We have an instagram account and a whatsapp group with 60+ members so please find us on Instagram and send us a message.
Parkrun Website to sign up