Interested in hosting high-calibre, purpose-driven talent? Get in touch with our team today!

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Work with our community

Become a placement host

Would you like to work with our smart & motivated Associates to help you achieve your goals?

Hosting Associates affords you a cost-effective and simple way of finding motivated and personable colleagues who are there to make a difference to your organisation whilst learning on the job.

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Become a professional volunteer

Our community goes beyond our programme participants and Fellows. Mentors, coaches and trainers are an integral part of the community. If you would like to join our community, please get in touch!

  • Coaches

    Our pro-bono coaches support our Associates in their professional and personal development

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  • Mentors

    Our pro-bono mentors work closely with each Associate in their placement, supporting and giving guidance on Associates' deliverables alongside any challenges or opportunities facing them

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  • Trainers

    Our pro-bono trainers support our programme by bringing expertise from a wide range of backgrounds, from social entrepreneurs to psychologists & investors to strategy consultants. We're currently expanding our team of trainers directly with respect to a few specific areas. Stay tuned for future opportunities!

    Learning & Development